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Anxiety Related to a Breakup, Divorce … or Anything Else
State of Anxiety is the first and only website and book series (in production) designed to placate stress and anxiety by chronicling the lesser-known comical manifestations of anxiety, and then enveloping you in a cozy smattering of the most unique advice and tactics available. And, it does all this without drugs or booze, so you can savor the healing properties at work or while operating heavy machinery – like a wet screed. I don’t know what a wet screed is. But, I’d like to say I could operate one while anxious. Or, in general.
What this site, the accompanying blog posts, and book titles will provide you are insight, perspective, and the targeted professional counsel you need to overcome your loss. This isn’t the recycled self-help genre you see littering bookstore shelves. This is relatable, cathartic, and actionable breakup and anxiety relief that you need now. No workbooks. No pills. No more needless suffering. No kidding.